Monday, February 12, 2007

Casino Royal

Not entirely free of objectivity I went to see the movie Casino Royal the new James bond movie. The news and the internet were full with the stories about the fact that mr. Craig wouldn't fit the profile of the perfect double-O-seven. And I almost was sharing that vision. So somehow I became curious about what would be presented in this new sequel of a long row of James Bond movies. But I have to admit, I was nailed to my seat from the very first moment. In short I can only say this, the movie is filled with realistic action, no fancy special effects. Only the real stuff though, it's quite daring for ordinairy humans to do what they do in this movie. But then again he is not the average secret service agent, he is James Bond. They also left out Q in this movie, so there is no sign of over the top unrealistic gadgets, like invisible cars, or laser beams hidden in watches that can cut thru the thickest steel. No just plain stuff, that is very realistic. Like the handy small defribilator, don't ask me why it comes up in the movie, coz that would give a way part of the plot. Or the small chip that he gets implanted in his arm and has the function of a tracking device, a very realistic object because it already exists as an idea of a wireless key for opening doors. Then there is the mobile phone, with GPS, and a function to broadcast his body functions to the homebase, something that is actually today's technology. The rest is fists, knives, and guns. James (David Craig), get's his ass kicked, wounded, tortured (on a very sensitive male position), car crashed, poisoned, and hospitalized. What more human can you expect for this character? He is not the God that he used to be, and quite frankly the James Bond movies before look like comedies and ridiculous characters. I think that this mr. Bond is actually the Bond Ian Fleming meant in his books. I won't mention the older versions with Sean Connery, coz they are in my opinion very authentic and realistic too. I just had for a moment halfway the movie an unstatisfactory feeling because of a certain change in the plot. But ow, how wrong I got there, because like I said, it was just halfway the movie and then the shit really hit the fan. One of the things that also impressed me was Montenegro. The title of the movie is Casino Royal because there is the showdown between mr. Bond and the bad guy Le Chiffre. And the casino is situated in Montenegro. For me this is a fairytale country, and I defenitly have to visit it one day. And I can asure you that I won't forget my photocamera! For anybody who want's to have good old fashioned ass-kicking adventure with a high adrenaline content, Casino Royal is a must see movie! Higly entertaining, and worth the money!

P.S. there are a few things that apealed to me, one is that at some point just for a small moment Richard Branson (the founder of Virgin records) is visible in the movie, he gets frisked at the gate at Miami Airport. The second is that they deal with some old James Bond Cliches, like the shaken not stirred Martinis. At some point mr. Craig (annoyed by his defeat by his oponent) answers to the waiter who asks "shaken not stirred", "I don't give a damn, give me the Martini". There are a few more small hints where they deal with the old cliches, but then again you can look for yourself.......

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