Monday, January 28, 2008

The unreliable collective memory

It's a strange thing and somtimes I think am I the only one who remembers? For example in the 70's there was this guy called Uri Geller. He was all over the television and people were almost glued to the tube when he would appear. He calls himself a mentalist, being able to manipulate matter with his brain. His most known act is the bending spoon performance. Of course this kind of psychic power would attract critics and it did finally. For instance the Stanford Research center did some scientific tests, but the protocol and conditions in which he had to perform were really questionable. The scientists taking part in this examanition therefore did a very sloppy job. In their report they left out even some critical statements. But one man wasn't that gullable and as a former magician became a professional critic to deal with all physic phenoma and other people claiming to have psychic powers. His name is James Randi. He just showed in several occasions how simple the bending spoon trick could be performed. It's just a matter of preparation. Alledgely Geller would bend the spoons before his performance untill they would almost crack. This is known as metal fatique. When bending a metal object frantically the metal structure heatens up and causes a weakness in the moleculair structure. At the end little strength is needed to bend the spoon and even crack it. In Johnny Carsons "The Late Night Show" in 1973, Geller was challenged to perform. Only in this case the tableware and other objects were not brought in by Geller. Of course Geller couldn't perform and was exposed. His pittyfull excuse was that he couln't perform under pressure. Soon after he dissapeard from TV and the public eye.

But to my suprise he showed up again with a new show, where he claims to retire soon and is looking for the next Uri Geller. So people are invited and challenged to reveal the same kind of psychic powers. The public and a panel will finally choose the winner who can hold the questionable title of the next Uri Geller. And here is the problem. Did people really forget all about the past? The audience is still as impressed as in the 70's. Even in this time with internet and all the technologic evolutions they let themselves be tricked with the same stupid performance from 30 years ago. It's even sad to see that his trick is still the same basic 3 ones. Reading peoples drawings by mind and reproduce them, bending spoons, and let broken watches again work. Nothing changed and he didn't come up with something new. And though he did some confessions in the past he was never really clear about that he was just a magician and a fraud regarding psychic powers.

I feel very alarmed about the collective memory we share. If a little fraud as Uri Geller can do this, what about the history of this world, and the people that have the power? The Bushes, the necons, the globalized companies and anyone who like to manipulate us? Uri Geller is a perfect example. If he can get away with this, what would stop any politician to get away with even worse tricks and manipulations?

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Who would ever thought, me spending money on music. But yes, I am hooked. So, so badly, that even Kate is talking about my new girlfriend. I am talking about the iPod Touch I purchased some weeks ago. Luckily I had some money for X-mas and second lucky stroke me when a guy wanted to sell his second hand, two months old iPod. The reason was that he won the Classic with 160 GB. He offered me the thing for half price and, after thinking it over (5 seconds), I agreed to myself that I was in for a treat. And oh boy, what was I excited to buy my first Apple product ever. When it comes to spending money on these things and my opinion about gadgets and computers I am a true critic. For example I've been a loyal PC user and therefore also Windows user.

My first experience started with Windows 3.1 back in 1993. I was so excited back then that I was able to scan in a 265 tones of grey picture with my handheld scanner into my PC. In 1994 I started my first steps in the WWW, and boy I've seen it all. All the developments all the changes. And despite my age I am a little boy when it comes to technology. Curiosity is my biggest drive.
After all these years also dissapointmet took it's place. I have a hate relationship with my PC. It's actually not the PC that is bugging me it's the damn Windows. I don't even bother to ever purchase Vista. I have enough trouble to keep my XP clean and running. And I am not the all-time IT guru. But from my practical knowledge and use over the years I predict that Microsoft reached it's ceiling. There is only one way to change it, and that is to totally take a new direction. But that would mean no downgrading to older software anymore, that would mean they have to abandon their clients. That would be disaster.

Take Apple for instance, I am not always fond of their arrogancy, but boy, they make hot products. But it's not only the product it's also the way they think. They think so smart that it's even complicated for me as a windows user to get used to their simplicity. I've been setting up a Mac for a friend. I felt like in heaven to be able to do this. And guess what? I got so damn confused because it was so simple. I am so used to adjust, configure, install and do all things necessary to get it running. And now? Nothing at all. I only had to install Leopard. That's it. Of course a few things like name and address stuff. But that was basically it. I can go very deep into details but I think everybody get's the point. I have to admit I like to fool around in a system to tweak it. But I don't like to do that because I HAVE to, so that the damn thing works. Making a fresh install takes me mostly 2 nights with XP. Conclusion: you don't need to be caught and sitting in Guantánamo Bay to feel the torture of the U.S. Just bombard the terrorists with Vista and you are making the suffering so badly. They won't even find time to attack anybody anymore. Just burning a CD with an alledged movie of some attack would keep them pretty much busy.

Anyway, back to my iPod Touch. It is true magic. I dare to say it's the first product ever that gives me 100% statisfaction. And it's even more then that. It's almost magic to use it. The smoothnes of the grahpics on the small screen are truly not comparable with any other handheld device. For my job I use a Nokia e62. That thing looks like a dinosaur in speed and possibilities compared to the iPod, and then I only compare the other features then calling. I was very fond of it in the beginning, but for now it's enough that it can call.
And yes, I bought even a giftcard to purchase the latest software and some music from the iTunes store. And it gave me even more statisfaction. I am walking around in my house, doing cooking and some cleaning. When I lay down on the couch, I won't open the TV but I open the youtube on my iPod. I can take it anywhere around in my house and enjoy music and video.

Bottomline is that I think this is a true revolution in how phones and other devices should work. I can only imagine taking this kind of interface into a car. I own the new Ford Mondeo with touch screen for GPS, radio, CD etc. And it is sometimes really lacking in speed. In the morning my GPS can't even start without a proper warming up of the car. When I just take a look at Google Maps on my iPod then I am impressed. What to think about those small GPS devices? Anyway, most important what is also not to forget, it's the big fun factor that I see. Shouldn't using phones and other serious stuff not be more intuïtive in using and finally also be fun?