Saturday, February 24, 2007

It would only be fair.......

Soon it will be 12 march a scary date because Kate will be operated to cure her Cardiac Valve problem. It was a exciting time the last weeks. It started all when she had her heart attack in December. From there things went rapidly when I found out that she had maybe just a few years more to live. From that severe attack she had 2 smaller ones. The last one was last week friday. Therefore I created this animation. Just a wish of my mind. Monday is my birthday, no present would make me happier then that her operation will be the succes we wish for and that it also will extend her life expectation. I feel unbelievable calm and peacefull, maybe it's because the determation Kate shows to me and what we talk about. Our goal is to meet, to be together and therefore we believe that nothing can stop this special moment. It will be hard for me to be 10.000 km away, while she will undergo her operation. It will be stressfull hours, waiting for the relieving phonecall that everything went fine. The chances as far as the statistics show and her doctor claims after examination is that she has a 80% chance that things will be ok. I pray for those 80%. Anyway, there is a good reason that we were brought together and I feel as determined as Kate. And I warn you Kate, don't you dare dying on me girl! Coz I love you.....

Monday, February 19, 2007

Browser Blues.....

I was very hopefull and enthousiastic to find that Microsoft had a new webbrowser launched. It is iexplorer 7. I had the hope that at least some major issues would be solved and that they at least were able to make it reliable and safe. How wrong I was. Safe it was for sure, but it was so safe that certain sites were nog able to function anymore inlcuding my weblog. I couldn't even upload pictures coz the pop-up screen didn't appear. Even after adjusting all the security items in the browser. At the end I closed even all features like the phishing prevention, the pop-up prevention and I lowered the security level. But nothing worked. I couldn't even read a simple site as Planet Internet without waiting for more then 5 minutes for a page to appear. It got me really pissed. Also my Opera didn't want to function like it should. So I erased the whole crap and installed Firefox. The first thing that appealed to me is the speed of Firefox. Secondly the neat add-ons that are free to download. I even discover that some features of Firefox are copied by Microsoft. Microsoft should be ashamed, they even use the tab browsing function with the same kind of small circle telling you it's working. The difference is also that at least in Firefox the tabs will open after clicking a link, and not like in iexplorer it just opens a new browser. I have to say it just to let of some steam, the guys at Mircosoft are a bunch of morons. They copy stuff and they copy bad. They cram the browser so full with safety stuff that it prevents to open some websites that are normally very safe to watch, that's a hell of a security. At least they got that right! If I get any chance in the future to spent a few bucks more, I will defenitly will leave the PC platform and move to Apple. I am tired to deal with Bill Gates his crap, and I would be happy to join the Apple family! But then again, that will take some time if you look at the pricing. But I think it's sure worth the money! Untill now I am happy with Firefox, and it does what it has to do, browsing without a headache or white knuckles from keeping my impatience under control. Ow and I don't need to click every flash window anymore, that's also a releave!

P.S. normally I wouldn't like to promote products, but hell f*ck Microsoft it's time for revenge!
(melting iexplorer by me) Oh yeah hit the skull and find a nice way of getting rid of your Bill Gates blues!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Ray Ceasar

The strange but beautiful art of Ray Ceasar, here to find more about him.....

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

In het leven is pijn onvermijdelijk maar is lijden optioneel.

De moderne mens is het kwijt. De functie van pijn. Meer en meer zijn we het verloren omdat we ons gewend hebben gemaakt ons geluk te behalen uit materiële zaken. We omringen ons continu met dingen waarmee we ons gelukkig denken te kunnen maken, en als toch op de één of andere manier pijn onze weg kruist dan is de veel gehoorde kreet dat men de stad induikt om iets te kopen. We willen voor een moment onze weg terug naar het geluk kopen. Diep van binnen weten we dat het niets veranderd.

Als ik naar mijn eigen situatie kijk heb ik geleerd dat al dat materiële niets vervangt en niets bijdraagt aan mij als persoon of bestaan. Het maakt het leven aangenaam en laten we wel wezen bepaalde dingen zijn ook onmisbaar geworden wil je in deze hectische samenleving mee kunnen draaien. Het is niet voor ons gemakkelijk om te zeggen; ik keer de wereld de rug toe en ga terug naar iets basics. Het zijn mooie denkbeelden, maar het blijft bij dromerij.

Ik ben een gepassioneerde fotograaf, ik zou onmogelijk nog zonder mijn digitale camera en mijn gereedschap zoals een computer kunnen. Zelfs het schrijven in deze weblog is ergens onderdeel van mijn gevoel in deze samenleving mee te draaien. Ook ergens de macht van het creëren. Maar een stemmetje blijft tegen mij aanroepen dat het allemaal zo virtueel is en derhalve ook zo vergankelijk. Eigenlijk nu ik dit zo schrijf bedenk ik mij dat zelfs ouderwetse foto's minder vergankelijk zijn. Digitaal is alles vluchtig tenzij je het op papier drukt. Maar zelfs met de beste inktjetters is de foto maar 80 jaar gegarandeerd. Het culluloid daarentegen heeft toch wel een langer leven en zelfs oude foto's lijken alleen maar mooier door hun ouderdom.

Als de waarde van het materiële wegvalt dan blijft er ineens niets anders meer over dan lijden. Althans zo ervaren wij dat. Omdat we het niet begrijpen, omdat we de functie van pijn niet snappen, omdat we er gewoon weg niet meer aan gewend zijn. Maar pijn is noodzakelijk, het is net zo belangrijk als het leven zelf. Het zijn onze leermomenten, het zijn de momenten waar wij doorheen moeten en niet omheen moeten. Het zijn de momenten dat we totaal met onzelf worden geconfronteerd. Uiteindelijk zijn het ook de momenten die ons duidelijk maken dat er ook momenten in ons leven zijn zonder pijn. Er is geen licht zonder donker. Het gevaar is echter dat we verzanden in een eindeloos lijden. De slachtofferrol vanuit het totale gevoel van onbegrip waarom juist mij dat moet overkomen. Echter dit is de realiteit de waarheid van ons bestaan en de confrontatie met onszelf, het moment waarbij we ook onze verdekte angsten laten ontwaken, het absolute einde voor het absolute nieuwe begin. Soms lijkt het vallen niet op te houden, en moeten we zo diep dat er geen uitweg meer lijkt te zijn. De één forceert soms een uitweg die eigenlijk alleen maar het absolute einde is. Omdat er niemand is die kan begrijpen of meevoelen. Mensen met mensen omringd en toch zo éénzaam. Anderen kwijnen weg en hebben geen oog meer voor de ultieme mogelijkheid die deze situatie biedt. Eerlijkheid gebied mij te zeggen dat ik mijzelf in verschillende schemeringen van het bestaan heb bewogen. En ik heb al deze zijdes ervaren en mij op het randje bewogen van onomkeerbare beslissingen. En niet altijd was ik volledig overtuigd van het waarom en kon ik mijzelf redden van een stupiditeit. Wat niet weg neemt dat de spiraal alleen maar naar beneden werd vervolgd en mij nog meer in ellende stortte. Maar als men al je angsten op jezelf loslaat dan is er aan het einde geen angst meer. Misschien wordt ik zelfs laconiek.

Een gedachte houdt mij altijd staande, niemand kan "mij" afnemen. Mijn innerlijke rijkdom blijft iets van mij, en hoe gebroken ik mij soms kan voelen, of verloren. Ik kan altijd nog in mijn innerlijke wezen schoonheid en rijkdom beleven totdat ik klaar ben om op eigen kracht weer naar buiten te treden. Dit is ook zo vaak herkenbaar als leven in het verleden, een verlangen naar wat is geweest, om dan te ontwaken in de werkelijkheid van het nu. Maar toch is het een rijkdom op deze zaken te mogen teren. Ik weet dat die dag van terugkeer en naar buiten treden zal komen, ik heb geen ongeduld meer over wanneer of hoe. Ik zie kleine signalen, ik zie kleine bewegwijzeringsborden en veranderingen. Ik zie dat ik ineens in staat ben duidelijke keuzes te maken, misschien vaak kwetsend voor anderen maar absolute trouw aan mijzelf. Ik probeer mijn signalen in het oog te houden als ik verdwaal. Ik geloof dat uiteindelijk de liefde het zal overwinnen, en ik mijzelf terug kan geven wat ik dacht verloren te hebben.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Magical Dior pour Homme

The notes
Top       : Lavender, Sage, Cardamom
Heart    : Iris, Cacao, Amber
Base      : Vetiver, Patchouli, Leather

Every time I get seduced to leave my house with the fragrance of Dior on me. Every time it makes me feel alive and self loved, an invisible shield of wonderful emotions to carry, places to see, food to taste, things to do, experiences to experience, the world to conquer without a battle to win, for now Dior is my favourite!

Shaï wear (human packing), sex sells....

The Shaï interactive catalog. Unfortenatly this catalog is removed due to the fact that it was the summer 2006 clothing catalog. Anyway when it was available it was downloadable, and I of cours in my eternal chase for the extraordinairy things I was that smart to keep a copy on my PC. Anyway here is the proof, or at least the thought that sex sells. The catalog consisted of a interactive quicktime movie where a rollover with the mouse would cause the movie to halt and show details about the clothing, like; color, size and name. There was a women-men version, a women-women version and at last a men-men version. You are warned it's pure pornograhpical material, but anyway from my point of view an interesting and daring campaign to sell a product. I think that Shaï is a very interesting brand that likes to find new ways to get attention. We saw this kind of daring advertisement from a brand like United Colors of Benetton, the bullet pierced t-shirt from some Yugoslavian soldier that died during the war. Here you can find out more about Shaï and here used to be the videocatalog.

Casino Royal

Not entirely free of objectivity I went to see the movie Casino Royal the new James bond movie. The news and the internet were full with the stories about the fact that mr. Craig wouldn't fit the profile of the perfect double-O-seven. And I almost was sharing that vision. So somehow I became curious about what would be presented in this new sequel of a long row of James Bond movies. But I have to admit, I was nailed to my seat from the very first moment. In short I can only say this, the movie is filled with realistic action, no fancy special effects. Only the real stuff though, it's quite daring for ordinairy humans to do what they do in this movie. But then again he is not the average secret service agent, he is James Bond. They also left out Q in this movie, so there is no sign of over the top unrealistic gadgets, like invisible cars, or laser beams hidden in watches that can cut thru the thickest steel. No just plain stuff, that is very realistic. Like the handy small defribilator, don't ask me why it comes up in the movie, coz that would give a way part of the plot. Or the small chip that he gets implanted in his arm and has the function of a tracking device, a very realistic object because it already exists as an idea of a wireless key for opening doors. Then there is the mobile phone, with GPS, and a function to broadcast his body functions to the homebase, something that is actually today's technology. The rest is fists, knives, and guns. James (David Craig), get's his ass kicked, wounded, tortured (on a very sensitive male position), car crashed, poisoned, and hospitalized. What more human can you expect for this character? He is not the God that he used to be, and quite frankly the James Bond movies before look like comedies and ridiculous characters. I think that this mr. Bond is actually the Bond Ian Fleming meant in his books. I won't mention the older versions with Sean Connery, coz they are in my opinion very authentic and realistic too. I just had for a moment halfway the movie an unstatisfactory feeling because of a certain change in the plot. But ow, how wrong I got there, because like I said, it was just halfway the movie and then the shit really hit the fan. One of the things that also impressed me was Montenegro. The title of the movie is Casino Royal because there is the showdown between mr. Bond and the bad guy Le Chiffre. And the casino is situated in Montenegro. For me this is a fairytale country, and I defenitly have to visit it one day. And I can asure you that I won't forget my photocamera! For anybody who want's to have good old fashioned ass-kicking adventure with a high adrenaline content, Casino Royal is a must see movie! Higly entertaining, and worth the money!

P.S. there are a few things that apealed to me, one is that at some point just for a small moment Richard Branson (the founder of Virgin records) is visible in the movie, he gets frisked at the gate at Miami Airport. The second is that they deal with some old James Bond Cliches, like the shaken not stirred Martinis. At some point mr. Craig (annoyed by his defeat by his oponent) answers to the waiter who asks "shaken not stirred", "I don't give a damn, give me the Martini". There are a few more small hints where they deal with the old cliches, but then again you can look for yourself.......

The secret of French girls or the BB effect

There is something about french girls. The question is what is it, but actually no one knows. Not all of them have this mystical magic something, but once in a while it's there, I call it the BB effect because of Brigitte Bardot, I think she was one of the first that brought it to TV and Cinema. Here is a sample of another one, it's Alizée with her song "j'en ai marre". Just see it for yourself, it's there, is it the dance, is it her innocent looks, is it the song, is it......, damn what is it?

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Happy birthday Kate

Today Kate had her first birthday with me, but what to do about the distance and not being able to party IRL? While we were talking on the net I had a small idea. I told Kate to wait for 15 minutes because I had some urgent thing to attend to. So I rushed out of the room found my shoes, run into the kitchen checking on the candles that I still had somewhere in a drawer, it turned out that I had sufficient quantity to decorate a cake. I took my wallet and rushed out of the door to run to the bakery that is a few blocks away. When I came back the cam shut down due to me screensaver. I fired it up again and asked Kate to be ready. A few minutes later I came into the room with this beautiful small "Breton Cake with krieken" what means something like traditional cake from Bretange with cherries. I blew out the candles for her, and unfortenatly ate the whole cake. That was a big punishment for me ;-) So Kate a happy and beautiful birthay. You know my present that I gave you virtually and partly to you, the rest of the present will be continuated when we will meet. I love you!

A gift that Kate send me...

This is a japanese commercial about the jeans brand "Bobson".
The words that are spoken are very beautiful and poetic, therefor Kate send them to me:

"Running away from you"
"So that you will get closer to me"
"Walking in front of you"
"So that you know to put me ahead"

Friday, February 09, 2007

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Friday, February 02, 2007

A new small experiment

The goal behind this experiment was first of all to create an animation through stop motion technique. This is done by making a picture of every individual movement. When the individual pictures are played one after another in a sequence it creates the idea of movement. This kind of technique is used in movies like, "the corpse Bride" from Tim Burton. The next step is to remove all the clutter out of the pictures that is not needed, for this I use Photoshop. It also creates the possibility to adjust small defects in the alignement and other things like removing the wires that I used to hold the cameras door in place. The next step is resizing (also for memory reasons) and exporting all layers as individual PSD files. Then I create an automated batch command to transform the files in PNG. This creates an alpha layer around the camera thus the idea the camera is floating as a free object. The next step is importing all the PNG files into Flash and put them on a timeline. The rest is scripting the behaviors of the buttons in relation to the animation. The main idea eventually is to use the desk with items as an interactive menu, the inspiration comes from Pierre Jeunet his movie "Delicatessen" where he used items from a butchery as intro for the movie. So now leaving the technical details, feel free to play around.....

Here to view the larger version! The used example picture is from Laurens Aaij, winner of the Silver Camera more here

OuR DarKEst CoRnERs

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Veel sympathie voelde ik voor de oproep om donderdag hedenavond om 19.55 het licht 5 minuten uit te doen, en daarmee ons in het donker te hullen en gehoor te geven aan de oproep van diverse milieu organistaties. Stipt om 19.55 heb ik mijn ogen 5 minuten gesloten, daarmee hetzelfde effect bereikt hebbende, het was stikke donker in mijn huis. Ik heb er zelfs een foto van gemaakt.....