Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Face of shame

It is almost 2 years ago since I wrote my last blog. Much has happened in that time. I am happily married with my amazing wife Dania, who made the big jump from Nicaragua to Europe, I've started my own business, I moved to another place, I got on my feet by and finally struck down again.

My ambition is my trap. It's as simple as that and therefore I trusted the wrong guy. First being my boss he offered me to start with his help my own business. That turned out to be a huge mistake. It was all a plan to use me as a straw man so he could save his ass, let his business tank and then take over mine. By the time it was clear what was going one he created so much financial crap that it was to late for me to bail out. Now I am stuck with it. More then 60.000 € debt with an income for the next 2 years for about 90.000. Next to that around 11 projects unfinished without my staff who I had to fire.

When I look back at the last year I see only that I worked my ass of for nothing. I was humiliated by this incompetent bastard who claimed that I had no knowledge at all just to silence me and making sure that I would not question his behaviour. I never met such an incompetent looser, manipulative, pathetic liar, bigger ego then Napoleon and no knowledge whatsoever. My small comfort is that I know now that I didn't had to doubt myself and that Dania ripped out a part of his hair for the net worth of about 2000 €. I found out that he had an expensive hair transplant some years ago.

My other comfort is that he probably he washed out. He has no friends, no wife and probably his family doesn't like him that much either. Though I guess he will play the victim role and tell the world how bad I was or how bad doing business is with this crisis.

Well for an entrepreneur he is total looser only focused on money and not on product. Spending way to much money then is getting in and taking uncalculated risks. He even never asked himself how the price of a product should be calculated, he just best guessed what a client wanted to pay and then sold it. That it was way underpriced was a non-topic to discuss.

So how does this face of shame look like? Well here it is lade and gentlemen, the looser of the last decade:

Steven Verbeeck
Don't let yourself be fooled by this smile, this is the way serpents smile.

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