Monday, August 06, 2007

the new bill on wiretapping in the states

It's sad to see that the U.S. turn into the former U.S.S.R. lookalike with their homeland security and the new bill that is passed for wiretapping. It's almost ironical. It was always the U.S. that was crying out loud the rights, the freedom, democracy, and condemning the system of the U.S.S.R. But secretly the men in power, secretly they dreamed of absolute power and a way to control the subjects in their country. The terrorists gave them all that was needed. And feeding the average american every day with bits and pieces to keep the fear alive gives them the oppertunity under the false flag of safety to take away rights and freedom day by day. This comes closer to George Orwell's (thanks D!) "1984" big brother is watching you. Before you know it turns back in to the system of red square and the same system Cauescu used. The securitate was a system based up one half of the population spying upon the other half. You never knew if your neighbour, your brother, your kid, your coworker or anybody else could be trusted.

The attacks of 9/11 were terrible, but were eventually easy to work out. All you needed was a big plane with kerosine to ingite the fire. But basically the terrorists are just a bunch of camel drivers hidden in caves, dreaming of burning the imperial Americas.

It's a simple sum to be calculated. What if, after the attacks of 9/11 there would have been no war on Irak? No war on terror? Just licking the wounds and change the foreign politics. Because at the end it's the dirty politics that created people like Osama Bin Laden. What if America would have retreated from the stage of dirty politics and focus on what can be repaired and change their image in the world? Let's face it, the U.S. is an agressor, though it be in disguise. It's all about the money. There won't be intervention from the U.S. in Darfur, because there is nothing to get, only dry sand and poor blacks. There won't be any intervention in Zimbabwe to get rid of Mugabe who is as bad as Saddam Hussein. Probably Mugabe signed a contract with the weapons industry in the states.

At the end poor bastards are send to Irak and Afganhistan to fight a lost war. The only thinkable reason is that the terrorists are attracted by the sitting ducks they are and keeping them away from the homeland. Because who would do all the effort to attack targets in America when they are on walking distance in the middle east? Another generation of young americans is wrecked, emotionally destroyed and ruined to have a normal life. After this war they will be just other rambo's with problems to adjust to society. Haunted by the visions of war and death.

It's a crazy world and I wonder of people are really missing the point here? Does everybody believe the crap politicians are telling us? In this light it would be interesting to see a movie like V for Vengeance, in my opinion this movie tells it all.


Bobby D. said...

it feels like so very many americans are too busy being "very proud" that they are conservative, christian, and supporting the president to use their brains to think for themselves--they are always quoting someone else, some man on CNN or worse.

Bobby D. said...

1984 you mean george orwell, right? (aka eric blair) I suggest you read his other novels and essays--he was genius in all areas of life."Down and out in Paris and London"
"The Clergyman's Daughter" --you would really like what he is saying about people and situations in his novels.